Have you ever been looking for something that’s right in front of you? we’ve all been there really, It’s like looking for your glasses when they are actually on your face, yeah been there, or looking for your phone when it’s at your ears and the worst one is looking for a pencil that you stuck into your hair, these are all relatable situations.
Which leads me to ask where is your focus? I always like to think there is an experience in every single thing that we do, it doesn’t matter how simple the situation is. So couple days ago I had a nail and hair appointment and I couldn’t find my purse so I was about to lose it; because I hate being late and here I was about to be late and couldn’t afford to miss my appointment because I had a flight the next day to visit my grandparents. After fifteen minutes of pulling my entire room apart, frantically shouting at my sister for touching my stuff all the time and shifting the blame to my mother for taking up my purse, you wouldn’t believe it was sitting comfortably under a pile of papers I was reading the night before, it was literally right in front of me and at this point I felt super stupid.
At the hairdresser, I fell into a trance of thought and started reflecting on my actions earlier and it dawned on me. Where was my focus? how didn’t I think to look under the papers? but it was because I was filled with anger, anxiety, and frustration I wasn’t able to think properly and I applied this situation to more than one situations in my life where I was focus on all the wrong things and lost focus of where I was destined to go.
I know this is applicable to our daily lives, as at times we feel so unworthy or unaccomplished in things we do but is your focus really on the things you want in life, or is it blurred with forty minutes of social media, five hours of Netflix, and if you’re anything like me you’ll make a to do list and only complete two of ten things on the list and feel completely worthless. Honestly, it’s only my fault because I was focused on everything else except what crucial to my development as a person. After weeks of the same routine, I realized had a serious problem which was focusing, how did I fix this? It’s actually the hardest step, it’s letting go and making a change, which is the most uncomfortable thing to do but if you’re comfortable you’re not making any progress, you’re not exceeding your boundaries that’s stored within.
Personally, I took a break from social media for some time because sadly it was my greatest distraction which wasn’t being used for the good but for watching videos and reading memes all day, yea guilty and a lot of time wasting. I started waking up earlier which helped me to accomplish more things in my day. I started my days with one-hour devotions after which I would journal, work on blog contents and work on my list of goals I’d like to accomplish for 2017. I also took 2-hours most days to read a book which was a big part of my childhood and as I got older I lost my love for reading because I was distracted with other things I believe was more interesting.But as Waren Buffett once said, “The more you learn is the more you earn” so I ensured this was a big part of my life again. Basically, giving up one distraction change my focus completely and of course, I have a lot more to work on but taking the step to make a change, impacted my actions which turned into a habit and most importantly the biggest change was my mindset. So what steps are you going to take to get focus?
-Where focus goes energy flows- Tony Robbins